Despicable Me Wiki

Adventures in Egypt was a special mission in Minion Rush that began on June 22nd, 2018.

In this mission, the objective items were Pyramids, Cat Statues and Sphinxes. It was comprised of two laps, requiring a total number of 7,706 items to collect. The prizes offered included perks, prize pods, golden tickets, market tickets, tokens, Mel and Island Hopper cards.

The host area was The Pyramids. The new fever was called Global Fever. It is similar to the Family Vacation special mission.

Adventures in Egypt was the second mission of this 5.5.0 update. While the market was on, Skater as well as Island Hopper were the costumes for purchase with market tickets as well as blueprints, prize pods and golden tickets. Golden tickets for Skater, Soccer Fan, Baby and Cleopatra costumes were there. Cleopatra was the costume that was given a golden ability as of that stage of the update.

